iotBind API Reference

API is grouped by supported communication protocols to connect with iotBind platform:

HTTP request

Using the HTTP/HTTPS Api
The HTTP API allows you to send and receive requests from any service or DIY Smart Project to iotBind platform.
iotBind server nodes act as an HTTP Server that supports both HTTP and HTTPS protocols.
When issuing a HTTP request, your request must be signed with Device API secret key , and include the request parameters and using the HTTP methods GET OR POST.

the base URL for API version 1.0 is : / 

MQTT protocol

MQTT is a lightweight publish-subscribe messaging protocol which probably makes it the most suitable for various IoT devices.

We will use access token (api key) device credentials in this article and they will be referred to later as api key. The application needs to include api key as a path parameter in each HTTP request. Possible error codes and their reasons:
400 Bad Request - Invalid URL, request parameters or body.
401 Unauthorized - Invalid api key.
404 Not Found - Resource not found


HTTP requests
MQTT protocol
Websocket (business)
CoAP protocol (business)


HTTP requests
MQTT protocol
Websocket (business)
CoAP protocol (business)

GPS Tracking

HTTP requests
MQTT protocol
Websocket (business)
CoAP protocol (business)

Liquid tank

HTTP requests
MQTT protocol
Websocket (business)
CoAP protocol (business)

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